Contact Fabulous Yarn + Help

For non-urgent questions or enquiries, Email is the BEST way to reach us. Emails are answered in the order in which they were received, so give us at least 24 hours to get back to you.
To Contact us about an order you have PLACED:
Please reply to your order confirmation email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. If you don't have your email confirmation, jump on chat, we'll grab the chat during our regular hours (12-6pm Wed-Sun EST) or you can leave a message any other time.
Need to Cancel, Change or ADD to anorder?
CANCEL: Email us ASAP and use the word CANCEL! If it hasn't been processed we can usually catch it! If it's after 6PM EST and before Noon EST, we'll do our best, but we can't guarantee it! You may always return the order if it has already been processed!
CHANGE: Please email the change in ASAP or Chat with us if Chat is online. We'll do our best and confirm via email!
ADD TO AN ORDER: Please just place a new order and put a note in the comments that you want to COMBINE the orders! If your order has not been Processed, we'll do it and credit any extra shipping charges!
PLEASE USE THE CHAT BUTTON ON EVERY PAGE DURING REGULAR HOURS. We will try and make the change and email you with a confirmation. If it is after 6pm Eastern or more than 6 hours after your order, you may leave a message via chat, but we may have already shipped your order and not be able to make the change. (Hey we said we ship fast!)
Click the PINK BUTTON Chat Bubble to chat with us right now! If we are not online, just click the LEAVE A MESSAGE button and you'll be able to send us an email instantly from the chat window!
Chat is a great way to get help fast for quick stock checks or general questions. We are almost always online between the hours of 10am-6pm Eastern Time.
NOTE! For more complex order questions or issues, please use email and include your order number and any details so that we can research your question thoroughly and get back to you with the best answer!
Note: Our CHAT BUTTON appears on every page of the website.
Payments on the website are encrypted and we do not store payment data online. If you are at ALL nervous you may order with us via chat or email and we are happy to send you one-time direct payment link.