2019 Holiday

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SEE CHANGES: Aids both high- and low-tech help knitters with visual disabilities pursue their favorite craft. By Carol J. Sulcoski
PICK UP OR PICK UP & KNIT: When you knit up anything other than raw stitches, which strand should you knit into? By Meg Swansen
ALPINE DREAMING: Krista Ann of KnitsyKnits checks out the knitting scene in Zurich, Switzerland.
AN ACE UP YOUR SLEEVE: When it comes to choosing a sleeve style, fortune favors the bold.
A DIAMOND BY ANY OTHER NAME: Argyles with a twist prove that diamonds are definitely a girl’s best friend.
THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: Designer Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton lives life on her own terms.
TRICOT ENCHANTÉ: Elegantly subtle or distinctly eye-catching, our curated collection of lace garments is just right for the holidays and beyond.
THE COLOR OF ROMANCE: Alexandra Davidoff’s one-sleeve wrap is singularly striking in hand-painted yarn.
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